A downloadable Sound Library

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A selection of 144 free, high-quality sounds for your projects from the Shapeforms Audio range of sound libraries. Designing the sounds has been a real labor of love developed over thousands of hours – I hope you enjoy them!

Includes 144 sounds from:

Also included:

  • 20% off coupon for Shapeforms.com
    If you'd like some extra sounds to bring your projects to life!

    Full library previews:


Format: 24-bit/48kHz and 16/44 WAV files

The sounds are royalty-free! You can use them in commercial and non-commercial projects, no credit required (although it's always appreciated :D)

More libraries are on their way – what would you like to hear?
Get in touch through my site or DM me on Twitter – I'd love to hear from you!

All the best,
Rich, Shapeforms Audio

PS You're invited to join others on the Shapeforms mailing list (through my site above) for more occasional goodies, discounts, news and hopefully eventually audio tips & tutes when I find time! Thanks for your support!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Shapeforms Audio Free Sound Effects.zip 72 MB

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Library comes with a "broken" license. The license permits you to use the sound in game, but in the next paragraph explicitly forbids redistributing even just individual sounds. Using sounds in a game without redistributing them doesn't work.


Hey, thanks for your post and apologies for any confusion – the sentence refers to not being able to share the sound library or its files in isolation, so use  of the sounds when embedded in games, video etc. is fine (encouraged, even!)


Then the license would need to be rephrased to be more clear. In its current form, everyone using the pack in e.g. a game is breaking the license on paper.


I'll consider how to rephrase the sentence to add clarity. I'd been considering adding a few more sounds to the pack so this might be a good time for an update!

Great results and practical, thank you very much!

Thanks for commenting, glad you found the sounds useful!

These sounds are amazing! I have used some of the sounds in my clicker mobile game. I also credited you in the game.

Thanks! I'm glad you found the sounds useful :D Nice work releasing the game – I like the serene environment and ambience!

Shapeforms this is an incredible stuff! Thank you

No worries! Glad you like the sounds :D


Sorry but again !, AMAZING !

WOW I appreciate it so much, I can't just take it for free, it's too great !!

I hope you the best <3

Thanks for the kind words :) I'm really glad you found the sounds inspiring, hope you enjoy using them!

Wow !

I just pressed play to just "listen" to see what it's like... Man, it started on the sfi weapons... Imma make a game just to use them all :)


Hey! I used your sounds effects in a small game jam game I made. The variety in there was great, especially for a free pack. Thank you!



Happy to help! Overtoasted has such a charming concept and style, nice work!

Ta paczka jest niesamowita! Dziękuje Ci Shapeforms za te wspaniałe efeckty dźwiękowe!

This pack is amazing! Thank you Shapeforms for these high quality sound effects!

Thanks for the kind words, hope you enjoy using the sounds!

Thank you, awesome pack. Used some in our game for the Lv.99 game jam, check it out when you have the chance! 


Happy you like the pack and found it useful!

Congrats on the Lv.99 jam – Yoga breathing meets bullet hell shooter is quite a fun and unique concept!

Thank you for this!

Happy to help – hope you have fun with the sounds!

I used this in my new game! https://lspectroniztar.itch.io/right-side-city

(It won a contest in Scratch because that’s where I usually am. I made it in Scratch.)

Also I have a question: In the full libraries you have to pay for them, but here, they’re all free

Congrats on releasing your game! I like how you've implemented the interface sounds in it :) The title and transition effects are cool, too.

To answer your question – the free sounds pack contains a small selection of sounds (about 150) from a series of larger sound libraries (over 4,000 sounds total so far)


There’s even a walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNhVJ8bW29s


I made this game for a jam with your assets https://evertyt.itch.io/next

Congrats on releasing Next and thanks for the credit – unfortunately I don't have a windows machine at the moment to check it out but I dig the style!

(2 edits) (+1)

TOP TOP TOP! Supercool! I'm excited!

Hope you enjoy the sounds!


Awesome work! Used this in a tiny game I put out on Steam.

You're credited with a link to your page in the in-game credits. Thanks!

Credits screen

You're welcome – thanks for the credit & link in Lighten Up!

Very nice SFX, thank you!

I do have a question about the license: If one were to publish a game's sources in a public repository could the used sound files (or processed derivates) be part of that repository? Or would that constitute unauthorized redistribution as per the license agreement?

Thanks, glad you like them!

That's a good question, and something I hadn't considered earlier. I'd say it would fall under redistribution unfortunately. There may be a solution though, if not being able to include them in the repo proves an issue – feel free to get in touch through hello at shapeforms.com and I'd be happy to discuss.

Pretty cool sounds! Thanks a lot.


No worries! Hope you find them useful :)


Thank you so much for these great sounds. I am using some of these sounds in my game Space Menace.


Happy you found them useful! Nice work on Space Menace too, it looks really good – I like the aesthetic and laser/projectile effects.

Thank you so much 🥰


This is beyond incredible! You are very much talented thank you very much! will come in handy for making my first game :)

Thanks for the kind words! All the best with your first game :D


I'm absolutely stunned by the quality of this, props to you for your hard work!

Thanks so much! :D


Thank you so much for this 

You're welcome, hope you have fun with the sounds!


Thank you for sharing such an awesome pack! I have used a few of the sound effects from this pack in my game Geo Break!

I am planning on getting the whole SFX pack soon. Would there be any difference of getting it on itch.io versus your website? I see that "Future UI" is arriving in 2022, will that also arrive in itch.io?


No worries, glad you found it useful! Geo Break is good fun, especially once you get into a flow – love the visual effects and bouncy animation in time with the music!

Thanks for thinking of getting the full SFX pack! The main difference between itch.io and my site at the moment is some assets are available in additional higher quality formats on my site (though they're mostly only valuable when pitching sounds down dramatically). The bundle on my site also includes Future UI when it's out, while the current itch.io sale bundle doesn't, but I will be releasing Future UI on itch.io, too! So future itch.io sale bundles will include it, and the price will likely be a little cheaper but I don't run sales as often. Hope that helps!


Thank you for your reply! I will get the pack via your website then. Your sound effect packs are awesome. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the kind words :D

Thank you so much! I included a link to your page on the credits of my game

Thanks for the credit, appreciate it :) Space Landing Master is quite addictive and challenging!


Olá usei alguns desses efeitos sonoros em meu jogo comercial na Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1891840/Ploc/

Nos créditos do jogo está o endereço dessa página.


Olá, que bom que você achou os sons úteis! Obrigado por incluir um crédito no Ploc - tudo de bom com o jogo quando ele for lançado!


Used a handful of these in our jam game, thanks for the great sounds :)


You're welcome, glad you found them useful! Had fun exploring the jam game, lots of nice touches, great stuff!


Great job!

Thank you! :D


When I make my game would you like to have a link? I'm definitely using this!

I would definitely appreciate a link – thanks for offering! Keen to see what you do with the sounds, and all the best with your game!


Its a great sfx collection. Thanks for putting it up here : )

Thank you! You're welcome :)


Amazing sound design and very professionally put together. I have been on the look out for a nice collection like this since i got the cassette pack in a bundle a few months back and I was just as blown away by that. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, thanks for the kind words and for taking the time to leave a comment – I really appreciate it! Hope you have fun with the sounds :)